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Mask Off, JPMorgan Edition
Boomer stocks were the only green index yesterday, China locked down 51M people due to Covid breakout, Russia threatens western companies with arrests and asset seizures, Ford is building a massive EV battery plant in Turkey, JPMorgan rolls back Covid precautions, the inverse ARK ETF passed ARK, and UK airlines remove mask mandates.

Tom Brady Is Back
Brady is back after a brief two month retirement, France might nationalize one of its biggest energy producers, Russian missiles hit Ukrainian military base near the Polish border, a US journalist was killed near Kyiv, Discovery shareholders approve Warner merger, Rihanna makes plans to take her lingerie company public, and Friday Beers raised a seed round.

Goldman Pulled Out (of Russia)
DocuSign is trading at March 2020 prices, February's inflation print came in hot, Peloton is trying new pricing models, Goldman pulled out of Russia, the US extends its airline mask mandate, Burger King halts support of Russian franchises, Pimco faces billion dollars losses from Russian debt, and the UN thinks the Ukraine death toll is understated.

Buy 1, Get 20 Amazon Shares
Retail investors can finally afford one share of Amazon, Poland wants to send fighter jets to Ukraine via the US, Sony suspends Playstation sales in Russia, the US and UK resist calls for a Russia "no-fly zone", lost ship Endurance was found off the coast of Antarctica, and LimeWire is back with an NFT rebrand.

Nickel Back
Biden bans Russian fuel imports, the EU wants to reduce dependency on Russian gas, and China wants to buy the Russian energy dip, Bumble was up 16% as everyone was swiping right, airlines cut flights to grapple with fuel costs, Tom Brady files for dozens of trademarks because being the best football player ever wasn't good enough, and Nickel is Back.

To Infinity, Bed, Bath & Beyond
The US market got thoroughly clapped, oil hit $130 (more than 10xing Cathie Wood's $12 price target), Nickel is worth a lot more than a nickel, some investors are buying Ukraine and Russia bonds, Bed Bath & Beyond jumped 60% after Chewy co-founder Ryan Cohen took a stake, FTX is entering the European markets, and Russia is #1 on the Global Sanctions League Table.

Yacht Repo
Russian oligarchs are getting their yachts repo'd worldwide, Rivian decided not to hike its prices, J Pow sees a 25 BP rate hike coming soon, Russia's economy might shrink 35%, the Sackler family is paying out big bucks for opioid lawsuits, strip clubs are accepting bitcoin (can you throw satoshis at strippers in the metaverse?), the EU wants to end Russia's WTO-favored status, and Founders Fund raised $5B.

Credit Suisse burning the paper trail
Snowflake's stock price melted after their earnings report, Credit Suisse is trying to hide its prior loans to Russian oligarchs backed by yachts / private jets, oil blew past $110 per barrel, Jeep is building electric SUVs, Abramovich is selling his Chelsea stake and donating the proceeds to war victims, US bans Russian planes from US airspace, Fanatics is now worth $27B, and Amazon is closing its retail stores.

⛽️ $110+ Oil ⛽️
Oil broke through $110 (two years after Cathie Wood said it was going to $12), stocks were down and crypto was up, a Russian convoy is approaching Kyiv, Target and SoFi crushed earnings, the summer intern market is heating up, MLB opening day is canceled, the luxury car cargo ship sank, and it seems like every American company is halting sales in Russia.

The Great Russian Pullout
Bank runs have started in Russia while US citizens are advised to leave the country (shocker), Lucid tanked after investors realized a company shouldn't be worth $500M per car delivered, TikTok is introducing longer videos, Russia destroyed the world's biggest plane (RIP), and Shell is dumping its Russian oil stakes.

Robux > Rubles
Stocks went green despite Russia's invasion, the ruble is worth less than Robux, NY is ending school mask mandates, Apple may launch a cheap iPhone, MLB opening day might be delayed, More countries are banning Russian flights, and Ukraine's government has raised more than $10M in crypto.